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tamoadmin 2024-08-07 人已围观

简介1.求英语演讲稿 两人对话的 初中水平 1,2分钟即可 最好关于体育 其他也可以2.帮我写七份三分钟的小学三年级的英语情景对话。3.谈论天气和体育锻炼的英语口语三人对话4.写一篇350字英语对话(2)5.写篇英语小短文,如你叫Tom,你想加入体育俱乐部,请写一段你和负责人Mr Green之间的对话,不少于50词6.讨论体育海报的英语对话A:Hey,Lee,it‘s nice to meet you

1.求英语演讲稿 两人对话的 初中水平 1,2分钟即可 最好关于体育 其他也可以




5.写篇英语小短文,如你叫Tom,你想加入体育俱乐部,请写一段你和负责人Mr Green之间的对话,不少于50词



A:Hey,Lee,it's nice to meet you here!


B:Hello,Jack,how are you?


A:Great,so you like running in the morning?


B:Yes,I like do some sport at usual.


A:So do I,and I am crazy about basketball amd tennis.


B:I love basketball and football.


A:Yeap,I am a big fan of Rockey,Yao is terrific and I think he is one of the best player in the game.


B:He is obviously a giant and he is my hero.


A:We he a lot in common!So do you play tennis?


B:Just a beginner.I'm not quit good at it.


A:It's a such great sport,and we regular go out to play everyweek,so you can go and play with us.


B:That sounds good,I'd like to.


A:Oh,that'll be good,and I need do more exercise on my serve.My net playing is OK.


B:Oh,mine is not as good as yours.


A:Nothing is impossible.I need to be going.


B:OK,it was great meeting you,he a nice day.


A:Don't forger our planning,see you then.


求英语演讲稿 两人对话的 初中水平 1,2分钟即可 最好关于体育 其他也可以

Lively cheers games, Hsien-Hsiung Wei trade students. In this clear and crisp in November, we greet the autumn sunlight, along with the harvest season, ushered in a lively seventh wonderful school sports.

The Games, a total of 455 students in our school participated in 9 projects competition. Early in the morning, teachers and students arrived at the stadium, some of them arranged the venue, and some finishing garments, some are located sports equipment, too busy to track the original silent suddenly excited.

8:00 With the Games officially announced the beginning of each class followed by admission to the ranks of marching parade performances. At this point march suddenly sounded, one after another a class rank of neat formation, dance props set great strides in coming to the podium. Everyone in their bright clothes, smiling, hold our heads up, demonstrating the unique vitality of youth and vitality. The performances of these classes strengths and weaknesses, and some formation varied, and some clothing brightest, and some neat moves, and some arrangement was new, their graceful dance to attract everyone's attention. Props in the hands of these students can be described as great variety, variety. Some, and the dynamic music, holding a pair of chopsticks beating out the rhythm of sonorous; some fling the ball like a cheerful bright wizard; some dress swayed, holding a dance fan, to draw a beautiful arc Road, and some Qiyuxuanang , hand-held gun salute in the air emitted by colorful fireworks. Their performance to the entire stint of the many splendours of color games, like spring flowers, summer sunshine, with a cool autumn wind blow against our faces, so that the presence of teachers and students are all touched, and are all delighted. It is understood that the road parade costumes and props used in many of them are the students themselves to select and purchase, and they show the formation and movement are also explored and arrangement of their own. This is totally reflects the student's enthusiasm and longing for the Games, but also fully demonstrated their ability to act independently and strong organizational skills.

When the road team, after all the admission, what follows are Guangbo Cao game. Accompanied by "The times are calling" the melody, all the students and upright, full of energy, rhythm accuracy, movement in place effective. In their faces, we see the youth of the atmosphere, the value of youth, the vitality of youth, it seems to be in the new era calls a better future.

9:30 When the General Assembly proclaimed the sports officially began, the entire stadium suddenly boiling up and cheer sound come and go, an endless stream. Look at track and field athletes, one by one, such as correction of rabbit-like fly a starting point, like a lever for-like rush towards finish, attracted the presence of the audience excited. Regardless of whether the player won the first, they will get the audience praise and encouragement. Because in the hearts of the audience, these athletes he played out of an unyielding, tenacious spirit of sport, they are sporting heroes, trade schools, "Liu Xiang." The women's 800 meters and men's 1,500 m is a test of stamina and perseverance of the project players. Although it not as good as sprinter as exciting, exciting, but it definitely makes moving more than sprint. In the game, players he to face not only the physical test, but also the psychological test. Athletes participating in the project truly reflects the hard work, never admit defeat the spirit of the movement, it gives us the feeling of accomplishment than to be rich in many.

Look at that track and field athletes, but also everybody gearing up, not lying down. High jump, long jump athlete in order to get better results, fight every effort, even if the failure is not to give up. Goals and together they face a strong pace, jumped again and again. This ever go beyond the spirit of self-enormous personal wealth, but also in the future be able to go farther and higher solid foundation. The players participated in shot put competition, more investment and further and further away results. In their hands as if shot into a wish full of hope ball, constantly chasing their own dreams.

Competition has been extended to the afternoon, teachers and students did not diminish the enthusiasm high. Until the relay final gunshot, the current Games in the joint efforts of teachers and students, the successful completion of various events, smoothly lowered to a close. The Games, then the largest in history, a total of 9 projects generate winners, there is one person to break the school record, one who tied a school record, access to male and female groups, respectively 03F2 class championship courses and 04 international business ? 3 classes . After watching them win the smiling faces filled with hiness, I feel that students in the sporting spirit in the trade show was glance.

Sport is the building of spiritual civilization is an important component of national quality, people's spiritual outlook of the concentrated expression. Games is not only the level of inspection and school physical education and quality of student youth style shows, test the concrete practice of physical and psychological, but also the reform of school education and career development of a comprehensive stage for performances. It is a physical exercise, the activation of life, promote the personality and vigor, and gains the smiles and mental outlook. Games for all players at this tournament out of results, race out of style, carry forward the friendship first, competition second the spirit of the game looking for more glory and dreams, in the race to create more beautiful and brilliant.







比赛一直延续到下午,师生们的热情豪未减退。直到接力赛的最后一声枪响,本届运动会在全校师生的共同努力下,圆满的完成了各项赛事,顺利的降下了帷幕。此次运动会再创历史之最,共产生9个项目的冠军,有1人打破校记录,1人平了校记录,获得男、女团体冠军的班级分别是03F2班和04国际商务?3 班。看着他们夺冠后洋溢着幸福的笑脸时,我感到运动精神在贸易学子中展现得一览无余。



A:What a pity! I had to go to a wedding yesterday so I hen’t watched the final of 110m hurdles.

B:Well, flying man Liu Xiang won undouedly.

A:Wow, if I am correct, it is the third gold medal he won in the national games.

B:Yes, he won the grand slam.

A:Did he slow down after clearing all hurdles as what he did in heat?

B:No,his compes like Jiwei and Shi dongpeng ge him some pressure so in order to assure his first place he could not slow down obviously.

A:Did he perform his best status?

B:I think not, he said he just took a conservative policy in the national games. The game was more like a practice to him.

A:He never let people down. We all know the return of the king!

B:Let’s wait and see his better and better performance!


1、A:May I help you?

B:l want to buy a pair of shoes.

A:What size do you want?

B:My size is M.

A:Here you are.

B:Thank you.


2A:What’s the matter?How dirty your clothe is!

B:Oh,mun,l was just playing football with my friends and knocked down.

A:You are too careless.

B:I’m sorry, and l want to wash clothes by myself.

B:Good boy.


3 My father is a kind man.He is tall and thin.His jod is a doctor, and he likes his job very much.

And l like him very much


4A:Oh,how lovely panadas!

B:yeah.They are my fourite animals.their bodies are black and white.And their fourite food is the bamboo.

A:You know so much about panadas.

B:aknow monkeys as well,for they are my father’s fourite animals. They are considered to be the ancestors of humans,and they look quiet like humans.As they like fruits,you can feed them on some bananas.


Janice: How good are you at sports, Bill?

Bill: Are you kidding? I’m terrible! But I love to watch sports. I go to football or baseball games a lot. And I read sports magazines every week.

Janice: Wow!

Bill: Do you like sports, Janice?

Janice: Oh, yes. I like to exercise. But I don’t watch sports or buy sports magazines. I don’t he much time to do those things.

Bill: Oh, I see. You know, we spend time doing different sports. How much time do you spend exercising?

Janice: Well, I guess I exercise about two hours a day. I do aerobics three times a week, and the other days I playbadminton(羽毛球) with my husband. I always feel good afterward(之后,后来).

Bill: That’s great! I’ve heard people say that before.

Janice: Well, why don’t you try to get some exercise? It’s difficult, but very rewarding(有益的,值得的).

Bill: Oh, I’m too lazy to play sports, and I’m not good at anything either. It hardly excites me.

写篇英语小短文,如你叫Tom,你想加入体育俱乐部,请写一段你和负责人Mr Green之间的对话,不少于50词


Hing A Dinner in A Restaurant

Waiter: Good evening. Do you he a reservation?

Tom: No, we don''t.

Waiter: How many people are you together?

Tom: Just two persons. 来源:考试大

Waiter: Would you like to sit in smoking section, non-smoking section or whatever comes open first?

Tom: We prefer non-smoking section.

Waiter: Awfully sorry, there are no vacancies left now. Would you like to wait for a moment?

Tom: How long a wait do you think there''ll be?

Waiter: About eight minutes, I think.

Tom: OK, we will wait a while.

(Ten minutes later)

Waiter: I''m sorry for making you wait for so long. Now there is a table ailable in non-smoking section. Please follow me.

Tom: Thank you. 来源:考试大

Waiter: This is menu. Are you ready to order now?

Tom: Sorry, we hen''t decided yet. Could you please give us a little longer?

Waiter: No problem. 来源:考试大

Tom: Well, I think I would like to he a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first. How about you, Jones.

Jones: The same for me, please.

Waiter: Yes, sir.

Jones: What main dish would you like, Tom?

Tom: Well, I''d like the sole, please. 来源:考试大

Jones: I''ll he the sirloin steak.

Waiter: Yes. What would you like to drink?

Jones: Red wine for me. And you, Tom?

Tom: I think I''ll he beer.

Jones: One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer, please.

Waiter: Would you like a dessert?

Jones: What special kind of desserts do you he?

Waiter: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.

Tom: Well, I think we''ll order after we finish the main course.

Waiter: All right, I''ll bring the soup right away.




侍者:你们一共多少人? 来源:考试大












汤姆:对不起,我们还没决定要点什么,你再等一下好吗? 来源:考试大










汤姆:我喝啤酒。 来源:考试大








A:Congratulations!You're the 200m free style swimming champion.(祝贺您!成为了200米自由泳冠军。)

B:Thanks.I was in good form today.(谢谢。我今天状态很好。)

A:You're excellent!You've broken the world record.(真是太棒了!您打破了世界纪录!)

B:Yes.But I was lucky.(是的,我很。)

A:Are you competing in any other events?(您有其他项目吗?)

B:The 400m free style and the 4*100m relay.(400米自由泳和4*100米接力。)

A:Good luck!You're the best swimmer in the world.(祝您好运吧!您是世界上最棒的游泳选手。)

B:Thank you.I will do my best.(谢谢。我会竭尽全力。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)

A:I'm LiMing,the Project Manager of the Sport Department of BOCOG.Nice to meet you.(我是北京奥组委体育部的项目主管李明。很高兴认识您。)

B:Nice to meet you too.I'm Tony Smith from the IOC.(我也很高兴认识您。我是国际奥委会的托尼-史密斯。)

A:Here's my business card.(这是我的名片。)

B:Thanks.This is mine.(谢谢。这是我的。)

A:Mr Smith,let me introduce my colleagues to you.(史密斯先生,请允许我向您介绍我的同事们。)

B:OK.That's very kind of you.(好的。您真好。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)

B:Yes,please.Are you Did from the IOC?(请进,您是国际奥委会的大卫吗?)


B:Nice to meet you.I'm Zhang Ning.Welcome to the Olympic Village.(见到您很高兴,我是张宁,欢迎来到奥运村。)

A:Thank you.I've been looking forward to visiting the Village.(谢谢,我一直期待着能来奥运村参观。)

B:Can I he a look at your Accreditation Card,please?(我能看看您的注册卡吗?)

A:Sure.Here you are.(当然,给您。)

B:Ok.Let me show you around.(好了,让我带您四处转转吧。)

A:Great!Let's go.(好啊,我们走吧。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Beijing Olympic Tower is?(打扰一下,请问北京奥运大厦在哪?)

B: Well. It's on the North Fourth Ring Road.The address is 267 Beisihuanzhonglu,Haidian District.(嗯,在北四环,地址是海淀区北四环中路267号。)

A: How can I get there? Does any bus go there directly?(怎么才能到那呢?有直达的公交车吗?)

B: Yes. You can take the bus No.740.(有的。你可以乘坐740路公交车。)

A: Where is the bus stop?(公交车站在哪?)

B: Turn right at the second traffic lights.(第二个红绿灯往右拐。)

A: Where do I get off?(在哪站下?)

B: At the Beijing Chengshi Xueyuan Stop. You will be able to see the "Beijing 2008"logo on the Tower as soon as you step off the bus.(在北京城市学院那站下。您一下车就能看到大厦上的“Beijing 2008”标志。)

A: I've got it. Thank you.(我明白了,谢谢。)

B: You're welcome.(不客气。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:Hello,this is Did speaking.(您好,我是大卫。)

B:Hello,Did!This is Peter.I he two basketball tickets for tonight.(您好,大卫!我是彼得。我有两张今天晚上的篮球票。)


B:Tonight.Would you like to come with me?(今天晚上。您愿意和我一起去看吗?)

A:I'd love to,but I he an important ointment.I'm really sorry.(我很愿意,但是我有个重要的约会。非常抱歉。)

B:That's all right.(没关系。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:Good afternoon, sir.(下午好, 先生。)

B: Good afternoon.(下午好。)

A:Are you Mr Smith from the United States?(您是来自美国的史密斯先生吗?)

B:Yes,I am.(对,我是。)

A:Did you he a nice flight?(旅途愉快吗?)


A:Is this your first time to Beijing?(您是第一次来北京吗?)

B:Yes,I've been looking forward to coming to the Beijing Olympic Games.(是的。我一直期盼着来北京奥运会。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:Excuse me.Can you do me a four?(对不起,您能帮我一个忙吗?)

B:Of course.(当然可以。)

A:Do you know where the nearest souvenir shop is?(您知道最近的纪念品商店在哪儿吗?)

B:There's one downstairs.(楼下就有一个。)

A:Thanks a lot.(谢谢。)

B:You're welcome.(不客气。)(奥运培训协调小组)


A:What would you like to he for dinner?(今晚你想吃点什么?)

B:How about some traditional Chinese food?(吃点儿传统中餐怎么样?)


B:It tastes good.What's this dish called?(这个很好吃,叫什么?)

A:This dish is called jiaozi or dumplings.They are delicious,aren't they?(这是饺子,很好吃吧?)

B:Yes,really delicious.I'd like to he some more.(是的,太好吃了,再给我来点儿吧。)

A:No problem.We he a saying “no food is better than jiaozi”.Would you like something else?(没问题。我们中国人有句话说的是“好吃不过饺子”。还要点儿别的吗?)

B:That's enough.I'm almost stuffed.Cheers!(这就足够了,我快吃饱了。干杯!)



Let's go for a walk this evening.咱们晚上去散散步。


A:Let's meet this evening and go for a walk round Houhai Lake.(咱们今晚见面,然后绕后海湖散散步。)

B:Good idea.(好主意。)

A:We can he dinner there.There are lots of good restaurants all round the lakeside.(我们可以在那里吃晚饭。在湖边有很多好饭店。)

B:OK.What time is best for you?(好,什么时间对你最合适?)

A:Shall we meet at six this evening?Then we can take a taxi to Houhai.(我们今天晚上6点见面好吗?然后我们可以乘出租车去后海。)

B:That's good for me.See you then.(我可以。到时候见。)(竞报)


He you visited other places in China?你去过中国的其他地方吗?


A:He you visited other places in China?(你去过中国的其他地方吗?)

B:Yes,I've been to Shanghai and to Xi'an.(是的,我还去过上海和西安。)

A:So you know Shanghai and Xi'an quite well?(这么说你也很了解上海和西安了?)

B:No,not really.I only visited them once.(不,不太了解。我只到过那里一次。)

A:They're different to Beijing.(它们和北京不一样。)

B:Yes,I agree.But I prefer Beijing.It's my fourite place in China.(是的,我同意。但是我更喜欢北京。它是我最喜欢的中国城市。)(竞报)


He you been to Beijing before?你以前来过北京吗?


A:He you been to Beijing before?你以前来过北京吗?

B:Yes,I he.Many times.是的,来过。来过很多次。

A:Really.You must know it quite well.是吗?你一定非常了解北京。

B:Well,this is my sixth visit,I think.I get to know it a little bit more each time.哦,我想这是第六次来北京了。我一次比一次更了解它。

A:Six times!That's a lot. It's nearly your home city!六次!不少啊。差不多成了你的家乡了!(竞报)


I'm going to the Lama Temple with a friend.我要和一个朋友一起去喇嘛庙。


A:On Sunday I'm going to the Lama Temple with a friend.(周日我要和一个朋友一起去喇嘛庙。)

B:The Lama Temple?I've heard that is very interesting.(喇嘛庙?我听说那里非常有意思。)

A:Yes,it is.Would you like to come with us?(是的,是这样。你想和我们一起去吗?)

B:Yes,please.What time are you going?(想,带我一起去吧。你们什么时候去?)

A:About 10 o'clock in the morning.Is that ok for you?(大约上午10点。时间对你合适吗?)



I’m looking forward to the swimming events.(我期待着观看游泳项目。)


A:The Olympics will be really exciting.(这次奥运会是非常令人兴奋的。)

B:Yes. I’m looking forward to the swimming events.(是的,我期待着观看游泳项目。)

A:Me too. I love swimming.(我也是, 我非常热爱游泳


B: booking-office clerk

X: passenger 1

Y: passenger 2

Z: passenger 3

X: Excuse me. Is there any bus to Shanghai, please?


B: When?


X: Pardon?


B: I mean, when do you set out?


X: Ah, as soon as possible.


B: The earliest you can get is at 2o'clock this afternoon.(最早的是今天下午两点的。)

X: What? That's a little bit too late. Isn't there any earlier?


B: I'm sorry, but we're completely booked up this morning.


X: OK, then. 2pm. would be all right.


X: How much is the ticket?


B: 150 Yuan.

(150 块.)

X: I want a seat next to the window. For I he some carsickness.


Y: Excuse me. I'm in a hurry, so can't you just be a little......


X: OK, OK, just a second, please.


B: It's 150 Yuan, sir.


X: Here it is.


B: Thank you. It's exactly 150 Yuan. And it's your ticket. Next please.


Y: Is there any train to Nanjing, please? I want two.


B: Yes, of course. 10 am.Set out in 30 minutes.


Y: OK, I want two.


B: I see. 350 Yuan each. So, it's 700 altogether.


Y: Here it is.


B: Thank you, Madam. Here are your tickets. He a nice journey. Next please.


Z: Excuse me, sir.


B: Yes? What can I help you?


Z: I he to get on the bus in ten minutes, but I just can't find it.


B: Show me your ticket.


Z: Here you are.


B: It's on the ground floor. Get out from the elevator, and you can see it on your left.


Z: Thank you very much, sir.


B: You're welcome, young man. Good luck.


asd wefdjkehquihiuyhedqowheoqijediqwehriwashcu0qaIEQHEDIOUSHCKJASHDUYTGQWIUEHUWHDUIQWHDOYQ8YWHEQHWDUHYQAH7WYHWQDJQWGEYGQWYFYTWFEHJFHGFDXQFEF8TGiashiauaskejhiqwoidhashdqwhdbjhasgdyuagshdbaohfuaiushdajshiuahshbfjnweaoihdwiueabfekjnakjshdjkawoiehajksdhbfajksgeyuagkebasduiagyweigajgbsdyatsyefgahwguaighduahwgebyuagdahsbehgdyagdiauwteytduqiuydasuidgaywtguaydgiaysteiuaydasghriuagdaushduastgdiaygewiauydwudghiuawgaugdauwgduy


A=Tom,B=Mr Green

A:Excuse me, Mr Green.


A:I want to join your sports club. Would you please accept me?

B:Of course. You are a sports lover.

A:Thank you very much.

B:What kind of sports do you like?

A:I like basketball and running.

B:I like running,too.

A:Really? Then next time I can go running with you.

B:Yes. Do you like running in the morning or in the evening?

A:I like running in the morning.

B:OK. See you tomorrow at 7 o'clock.

A:See you.

-- Did you see the football game, last night?

--Sure, it's very exciting. I really love the golden shooting by Merssi.

-- I enjoy his fantastic football technique, too. Well, the poster that Messi did for Adidas is quite terrific. He cheered the goal with the audiences,howling like a lion, with his left hands kissed to mouth, right hands pointing out 'one' goal.