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tamoadmin 2024-08-14 人已围观












1、As students, we should make every effort to help the people of the disaster areas.

2、All calssmates fells life is so important that everyone should cherish it.

3、Although we he no money now, but we can scrape up pin money or collect donations from society.

4、The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing , we must harden the body to meet the Olympic Games.

5、Many foreign friends will come to China, so a large number of volunteers are needed.




T恤上衣为有领T恤,蓝色。在左右肩膀各有白色祥云花纹。左胸有奥运志愿者标志,右胸有中国移动通信标志。左臂有CHINA MOBILE字样,右臂有VOLUNTEER字样。背后有奥运会会徽和奥运合作伙伴中国移动通信的标志。

腰包为蓝白色调。腰包包面印有奥运会志愿者标志和中国移动通信标志。在带子上印有VOLUNTEER字样和ASK ME字样。






The role of plastics

The unhygienic use and disposal of plastics and its effects on human health has become a matter of concern. Colored plastics are harmful as their pigment contains hey metals that are highly toxic. Some of the harmful metals found in plastics are copper, lead, chromium, cobalt, selenium, and cadmium. In most industrialized countries, color plastics he been legally banned. In India, the of Himachal Pradesh has banned the use of plastics and so has Ladakh district. Other states should emulate their example.

Preventive measures

Proper methods of waste disposal he to be undertaken to ensure that it does not affect the environment around the area or cause health hazards to the people living there. At the household-level proper segregation of waste has to be done and it should be ensured that all organic matter is kept aside for composting, which is undouedly the best method for the correct disposal of this segment of the waste. In fact, the organic part of the waste that is generated decomposes more easily, attracts insects and causes disease. Organic waste can be composted and then used as a fertilizer.



在人类的健康方面的塑料不保健的使用和处理和它的效果已经变得关心的一个物质。当他们的色素包含高度有毒的重金属的时候 , 彩塑料是有害的。一些在塑料中被发现的有害金属是铜,领引,铬,钴,硒和镉。在大部分方面使塑料已经被法律上禁止的国家,彩色工业化了。 在印度, Himachal Pradesh 的已经禁止塑料的使用并且如此有 Ladakh 区域。 其他的州应该效法他们的例子。


废弃的处理适当的方法必须被接手确定它在区域的周围不影响环境或对人引起健康危险活的在那里。 在家庭- 水平,废物的适当种族隔离必须被做,而且它应该被确定所有的有机物质被保持旁白因为施堆肥, 无疑地是废物的这一个片段的正确处理的最好方法。 事实上,被产生的废物有机的部份更容易分解,吸引昆虫而且引起。 有机的废物可能被施堆肥并且然后被用如肥料。

In order to protect the Antarctic environment clean and all countries on the Antarctic expedition of environmental protection, 1991, TiaoYaoGuo Antarctic signed the treaty on the Antarctic environment protection of the Antarctic environment protocol, protect a strict rules. On solid waste, food, chemical wastes and waste to treat combustible wastes, take a different roach, not cause damage to the environment. China's expedition team code provisions about the Chinese Antarctic survey and sewage disposal regulations, shall organize the station for environmental cleaning, inspection station of environmental protection work. Stations installed automatically sewage treatment equipment, sewage treatment, reached by relevant platoon in order to protect the clean the Antarctic environment, all countries on the Antarctic expedition of environmental protection, 1991, TiaoYaoGuo Antarctic signed the treaty on the Antarctic environment protection of the Antarctic environment protocol, protect a strict rules. On solid waste, food, chemical wastes and waste to treat combustible wastes, take a different roach, not cause damage to the environment. China's expedition team code provisions on the Antarctic survey China wastes

Treatment provisions, shall organize the station for environmental cleaning, inspection station of environmental protection work. Stations installed automatically sewage treatment equipment, sewage treatment, reached by the discharge requirements, and finally into the sea. Can use for sewage treatment equipment for free-pollution disposal of chemical solution to collect, preserve, etc to domestic processing.

The Antarctic survey of garbage is how to handle?

According to the Antarctic treaty regarding environmental protection protocol, each country has the Antarctic survey general rubbish treatment equipment, mainly is to deal with, may incinerator combustion of solid waste harmless, namely combustible rubbish. After the high-temperature incineration incinerator, only a small bit of ashes. The station to do not he a condition of processing waste, cannot burn or burning of the harmful material such as plastic garbage, need to reduce body


为了保护洁净的南极环境,各个国家都重视南极考察的环境保护, 1991年,南极条约国签署了关于环境保护的南极条约议定书,对南极环境的保护作出了严格的规定。在对固体废弃物、食品废弃物、化学药品废弃物及可燃性废弃物要区别对待,取不同的处理方式,不要造成对环境的损害。中国南极考察队员守则规定了中国南极考察站有关废弃物和污水处理规定,考察站应定期组织队员对站区进行环境清扫,检查环境保护工作。考察站安装了自动污水处理设备,生活污水经过处理之后,达到了有关排为了保护洁净的南极环境,各个国家都重视南极考察的环境保护, 1991年,南极条约国签署了关于环境保护的南极条约议定书,对南极环境的保护作出了严格的规定。在对固体废弃物、食品废弃物、化学药品废弃物及可燃性废弃物要区别对待,取不同的处理方式,不要造成对环境的损害。中国南极考察队员守则规定了中国南极考察站有关废弃物





1、Effect of pH-neutralized leachate recirculation on a combined hydrolytic–aerobic biopretreatment for municipal solid waste

Bioresource Technology, Volume 100, Issue 17, September 2009, Pages 3848-3854

Dong-Qing Zhang, Pin-Jing He, Li-Ming Shao

2、Relationships between biological and chemical parameters on the composting of a municipal solid waste

Bioresource Technology, Volume 100, Issue 17, September 2009, Pages 4062-4065

Manuel Tejada, Ana María García-Martínez, Juan Parrado

3、Emission reductions potential for energy from municipal solid waste incineration in Chongqing

Renewable Energy, Volume 34, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 2074-2079

Li'ao Wang, Gang Hu, Xun Gong, Liang Bao

4、Substituting energy crops with organic fraction of municipal solid waste for biogas production at farm level: A full-scale plant study

Process Biochemistry, Volume 44, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 817-821

Michele Pognani, Giuliana D’Imporzano, Barbara Scaglia, Fabrizio Adani

5、Searching quality data for municipal solid waste planning

Waste Management, Volume 29, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 2240-2247

Moe Chowdhury

6、An integrated raisal of energy recovery options in the United Kingdom using solid recovered fuel derived from municipal solid waste

Waste Management, Volume 29, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 2289-22

A. Garg, R. Smith, D. Hill, P.J. Longhurst, S.J.T. Pollard, N.J. Simms

7、Management of municipal solid waste in the Three Gorges region

Waste Management, Volume 29, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 2203-2208

Wang Li’ao, Pei Ting’quan, Huang Chuan, Yuan Hui