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tamoadmin 2024-09-07 人已围观

简介1.英语翻译 活动口号,希望简短,响亮.谢绝"hand in Olympics"2.英语翻译(口号)3.用英语翻译奥运知识4.用英语翻译一个中考口号5.下一次奥林匹克运动会在哪一年?奥运会加油手势:The Olympic Games refuel the hand signal 动作以“鼓掌”、“竖大拇指”、“振臂”为主,动作简单,易学易用。鼓掌两次,两手握拳、大拇指向上竖起,再鼓掌两次,两手握拳

1.英语翻译 活动口号,希望简短,响亮.谢绝"hand in Olympics"






奥运会加油手势:The Olympic Games refuel the hand signal


The movement by “the lause”, “sets upright the thumb”, “to raise the arm” primarily, the movement is simple, easy to study easily to use. Applauds two times, two make a fist, the thumb to raise up upwardly, lauds again two times, two make a fist, extends the double arm upwardly. Simultaneously coordinates the movement to shout loudly “Olympic Games to refuel, China refuels”. Beijing Olympic Games period, in Olympic Games facility, the people may see and hears the uniform to refuel cheers the hand signal and the slogan. The hand signal may refuel for various countries' contestant, in the entire Olympic Games period, the hand signal will refuel for all athletes cheers, when hand signal utilization, under the hand signal unification invariable premise, the slogan may be flexible, like this can suit for each country, each athlete refuels.

英语翻译 活动口号,希望简短,响亮.谢绝"hand in Olympics"

"With a world the same fond dream " (One world One dream), all together, the essence hing embodied the Olympics spirit unites with common outlook on values , friendship, improves, harmoniously , participates in and dreams of, he expressed the whole world common wish running after human being better future under vigorous moving and inspiring in Olympics. Despite of human being complexion diversity , language diversity , race are different, but we share Olympic charm commonly and hy, be running after the peaceful ideal of human being commonly, we belong to the same the world , we own the same hope and fond dream.

"With a world the same fond dream " (One world One dream), deep harmonious outlook on values contained by "humanity Olympic Games " that the core idea hing reflected Beijing Olympiad, has embodied as "green Olympic Games , science and technology Olympic Games , humanity Olympic Games " three big idea core and soul. Building harmonious society , realizing harmonious development is our fond dream and runs after. That "theory that man is an integral part of nature " ", the sum are expensive " is that Chinese People is time-honoured to human being and the nature, person and person harmonic relationship ideal and run after. We believe that peace is progressive , harmonious development, is on friendly terms with , works together winning together, He Mei life is the whole world common ideals.

"Fond dream (One world One dream) , culture Jianyi are deep with a world the same". Be both Chinese and the world. Slogan he expressed Beijing the people and Chinese People enjoying civilized achievement with common fine all the world's people home , a surname , hing established the future lofty ideal together hand in hand; He expressed one owning civilization for 5000 years , he stridden in course of the great nation that the trend modernizes concentrates efforts on peace development , society harmony , hy staunch the people belief; He expressed the heartfelt wishes making contribution out for 1,300,000,000 Chinese People building a peaceful but fine world.

English slogan "One world One dream " syntax structure has the distinct characteristic , two "ones" form graceful parallelism ", the "world" and the "dream" front and back act in cooperation with, the entire sentence slogan is concise , resonant, the implied meaning is far-reaching , both easy to be suitable for reading aloud slap ,and easy to spread.

The Chinese slogan "the same the world is expressed with one vainly hoping that the Lieutenant General "one" uses "same "" , is use "the human being and is belong to a world, the subject running after the fine fond dream commonly" pushes the human being forward especially


Enjoy English,Touch Olympics.

我解释一下,我觉得用hand in 没有问题.不过为了更形象一点,我觉得用touch 比较合适,有接触,用手触摸,用心灵触摸感受的意思.你觉得呢?


Wield intense emotion, put to fly a dream, the youth he no regrets and the intense emotion be infinite


Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics "are the three concepts Beijing Olympic Games.

"Faster! Higher! Stronger!" - The Olympic motto

Olympic rings symbol: European=blue yellow= Asian and black= Africa green=Oceania Red=America

Olympic mascots - Fuwa(friendlinesses)

2008 Olympics slogan: One world one dream!

Beijing's bidding slogan New Beijing Great Olympics

2008 Beijing Olympic Games are the 29th Olympic Games


one minute or one second,finally for the credit

your country or your family,exactly for yourself




