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乒乓球比赛规则简单介绍英语翻译_乒乓球比赛规则 英文

tamoadmin 2024-09-08 人已围观

简介1.写一篇英语作文《乒乓球大赛》翻译2.求一段关于乒乓球的描述 要英语的 30个单词左右 只要简单说说规则和玩法就可以排球,球类运动项目之一,球场长方形,中间隔有高网,比赛双方(每方六人)各占球场的一方,球员用手把球从网上空打来打去。排球运动使用的球,用羊皮或人造革做壳,橡胶做胆,大小和足球相似。Volleyball, one of the ball games, the stadium rect


2.求一段关于乒乓球的描述 要英语的 30个单词左右 只要简单说说规则和玩法就可以

乒乓球比赛规则简单介绍英语翻译_乒乓球比赛规则 英文


Volleyball, one of the ball games, the stadium rectangle, the middle of a high network, the game on both sides (each side) of the players on the side of the stadium, the player with the ball from the Internet space to play. Volleyball use of the ball, with a leather or artificial leather shell, rubber do guts, size and football is similar.

乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,也是中华人民共和国国球。乒乓球运动是一项以技巧性为主,身体体能素质为辅的技能型项目,起源于英国。"乒乓球"一名起源于1900年,因其打击时发出"ping pang"的声音而得名,在中国大陆、香港及澳门等地区以"乒乓球"作为它的官方名称。

Table tennis is a popular sport in the world, and it is also the goal of the people's Republic of China. Table tennis is a skill based, physical fitness, supplemented by the skills of the project, originated in the United kingdom. Table tennis originated in 1900, when it issued a "Pang Ping" in the fight, named after the Chinese mainland, Hongkong and Macao and other regions with "ping pong" as its official name.



直拍左推右攻结合反面攻 以刘国梁为代表的一批年轻快攻型选手,在继承和发展中国传统的直拍近台快攻打法的基础上,创新运用反手“直拍横打”新技术,成为中国快攻的凶狠派,在世界乒坛再创辉煌。 球拍技能:正面正胶,反面反胶。 技术风格:快、准、狠、变、转。 技术特点:正手用快攻、快点、快拉,接发球以正手或侧身为主,拉、点、挑配合摆短、搓长过渡;反手快推,加减力推,或拉、弹打;对弧圈快带,或者用反胶一面快撕、对拉弧圈球。 打法特点:前四板是得分的主要手段,发球和发球抢攻有较大优势,出手快而坚决,能够低球突击,并有良好的进攻能力。主动时,正手连续攻,线路灵活,角度大;对付弧圈球反手能推挤、快撕,不得已退台时,用反胶对拉弧圈球,伺机转入主动。

就这段怎么样?开场你就自己设计吧?呵呵 下面是上段的翻译:

Pen-hold grip to attack left-right combination of pushing back to Liu Guoliang for the attack on behalf of a group of young fast-type players, in the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese pen-hold grip near the Units on the basis of fast-break play, innovative use of backhand "cross pen-hold grip to fight the" new technology, China's fast-break the vicious faction tennis glory in the world. Racket skills: positive is plastic and negative anti-plastic. Technical style: quick, accurate and relentless change, change. Technical characteristics: hand are fast, quick, quick pull, and then serve in hand or on their sides are the main pull, points out with a short swing, twist a long transition; quick backhand push, addition and suraction by pushing or pulling, shells hit; for quick loop tape, or glue a quick anti-tear on the pull loop. Game features: the first four panels are the main means of scoring, serve and serve-attack has a larger advantage of quick and firm hand, can low-ball attack, and has good offensive capabilities. Active when the hand is for the offensive, flexible lines, angle large; Deal with backhand loop to push the ball, quick tear, had returned to Taiwan, the use of anti-adhesive loop to pull the ball, waiting into active。

求一段关于乒乓球的描述 要英语的 30个单词左右 只要简单说说规则和玩法就可以

This afternoon,there is a table-tennis match between my classmates.Many of my classmates like playing table-tennis.So our teacher encourages us to play a game.There are four boy teams and three girl teams.Some other students are judges.The match is very exciting and finally all players get awards.But I think the hiness is the best reward.

Table tennis originated in the 1870s in the United Kingdom, as a kind of gossip instead of lawn tennis, leisure sports. Today, table tennis has become a high-tech and high-speed competitive sport. From the population to participate in the sport, table tennis can be regarded as the first movement in the world, nearly 40 million people worldwide in the movement.
