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tamoadmin 2024-08-12 人已围观

简介1.关于巴西世界杯的英语作文2.世界杯的起源历史英文版3.关于足球和世界杯的英语有哪些?4.谁能提供一个关于世界杯的英语演讲稿?5.世界杯初中英语作文6.英语学习资料:世界杯奖项英文介绍之金球奖7.南非世界杯英语作文The World Cup The 2010 World Cup will be hold in South Africa.It is a grand occasion for al









The World Cup

The 2010 World Cup will be hold in South Africa.It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world.My forite team is the Spainish Team.And my forite football star is Didier Yves Drogba Tébily.I hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World Cup.Because China has never won a World Cup before.This year I hope the situation will change.

When the match begins,I hope I can watch it.But if I am busy studying then I will not watch it.Because study is always the first priority.I wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.

Maybe one day my dream can come true.






1. 历史

现在国际足联的世界杯奖杯 - "大力神杯"于10年制造。当年,巴西队第三次夺冠后可以永远保存原先的"雷米特杯"("雷米特杯"于1983年被盗,至今仍未找到)。从14年起,这座"大力神杯"经历了七届世界杯争夺战,在众多的冠军中包括了于1994年在美国夺冠的巴西队。

2. 设计

现在的"大力神杯"是由意大利雕塑家西尔维奥·加扎尼加(Silvio Gazzaniga)设计的,严格来讲,这并不能称作一个奖杯。整座雕塑由18K黄金打造,高36厘米,重40克。底座上镶有两圈绿色的孔雀石圆环。环中的金色部分设计了17个空格的"英雄榜",用来刻上冠军队的名称 - 这个"英雄榜"能记录下到2038年所有的世界杯冠军。目前为止,"英雄榜"上已记下了七个名字,他们分别是德国(14和1990)、阿根廷(18和1986)、意大利(1982)、巴西(1994)及法国(1998)

3. 所有权


4. "冠军杯"

作为世界杯冠军国家的永久纪念品,国际足联特别按照"大力神杯"同样的设计及尺寸制作了一个复制品,唯一的区别是原先"大力神杯""是纯金的,而复制的则是镀金的。而这个复制品就是著名的"冠军杯"。这座"冠军杯"将传递到下一个世界杯冠军队的手中,这也是唯一向公众展示的"世界杯"。通常,"冠军杯"被存放在瑞士苏黎士国际足联总部。 正因为"冠军杯" 价值连城,因此它在安排公开展示时有十分严格的控制,而且必须配备严密的保安措施。

5. 目前持有人


6. 价值


1. History

FIFA World Cup trophy now-" the FIFA World Cup "in 10 manufacturing. That year, Brazil after winning the third time can keep the original "Jules rimet trophy" (" the Jules rimet trophy "in 1983 were stolen, hen't found it yet). Since 14, the "FIFA World Cup" experienced seven World Cup race, in many of the champions included in the United States in 1994 in the Brazil team title.

2. Design

Now of "FIFA World Cup" by Italian sculptor Silvio and Tony add (Silvio Gazzaniga) design, strictly speaking, this is not known as a trophy. The whole sculpture by 18 K gold casting, 36 centimeters high and weighs 40 grams. The base is laced with two laps of malachite green ring. The golden ring some design 17 Spaces "heroic list", used to engre the name of the winner-the "hero list" can record to 2038 all the World Cup title. So far, "hero" list has noted down seven name, they are Germany (14 and 1990), Argentina (18 and 1986), Italy (1982), Brazil (1994), and France (1998)

3. Ownership

FIFA will "FIFA World Cup" awarded to the World Cup winner, but FIFA remained "FIFA World Cup" of the ownership. At each of the winner can keep "FIFA World Cup" until the next World Cup. The football team will hussle playes with full, in order to win the gold cup glory and Kings status.

4. "champions league"

As the World Cup champion's national permanent souvenirs, FIFA special according to "the FIFA World Cup" the same design and size made a copy, the only difference is originally "FIFA World Cup" "is made of pure gold, and copy is plated with gold. And this copy is the famous" champions league ". The "champions league" will pass to the next World Cup winner of the hand, this is also the only show to the public of the "World Cup". Usually, "champions league" is stored in Zurich, Switzerland FIFA headquarters. Because of "champions league" priceless, so it in public display arrangement is very strict control, and must be equipped with strict security measures.

5. At present holder

On July 12, 1998, and France in the World Cup final won "the FIFA World Cup", which is the French football federation collections in the bank's safe, it will be on December 1, 2001 in South Korea final draw to japan-korea World Cup organizing committee. In the back "the FIFA World Cup", France will receive a "champions league", as a permanent memorial they won the 1998 World Cup.

6. Value

"The FIFA World Cup" made by gold, its unique characteristics and the world of the worship of its fans, to make it a priceless. The highest glory symbol the football world, "the FIFA World Cup" is for the players in football career most significant achievements, also, it also for all the fans in the world provides infinite daydream, and stimulate heart love of football。



The 2014 World Cup football match is FIFA twentieth World Cup, held in Brazil from June 12, 2014 to July 13th, the 32 teams from around the world to participate in the games, 64 games to determine the winner team. This is the second in 1950 after the World Cup second held in Brazil, is following the 18 Argentina World Cup fifth time World Cup held in South america.

The 2014 World Cup in Brazil, there are 32 teams. Remove host Brazil automatically qualified outside, the other 31 countries to participate in the qualifiers in June through 2011 to qualify. Brazil during the world cup, the 12 city in the territory of Brazil held a total of 64 games. At the same time, the Brazil world cup is the first use of goal line technology of the world cup.


世界杯起源:  世界杯是1928年FIFA为获胜者特制的奖品,是由巴黎著名首饰技师弗列尔铸造的。





世界杯历史:  世界杯(FIFA World Cup)即国际足联世界杯,是世界上最高荣誉、最高规格、最高竞技水平、最高知名度的足球比赛,与奥运会并称为全球体育两大最顶级赛事,甚至是影响力和转播覆盖率超过奥运会的全球最大体育盛事。







World Cup (), two international tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the of international competition in the sport.

The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.

The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament


Here we go again.

4 years of waiting are over, as the first of 64 matches that make up this tournament gets underway. 161 goals were scored during the last World Cup. It took the German team just a few minutes to notch up the first of this year's tally, scoring in their match against underdogs--Costa Rica.

The organizers are expecting a million people to visit Germany for the tournament. As many as 10 percent, that's 100 thousand of them, from Britain alone.

"We stay in Frankfurt and we are obedient"

And waiting for the fans, a familiar sight. British police walking German streets for the first time with their German counterparts. And another familiar face, Hard Man actor Ray Winston.

Hey hello, English Cop.

From England?

Yeah, I am on the hike, Ah! lee it, lee it.

He is a lover of e.

All right, all right. I he done nothing.

At the US team headquarters, there was added security following a heightened terror threat after the death of Al Zarkawi.

So ahead for these fans 96 hours of televised giant-screen gut-wrenching tension crammed into 3 long weeks. With the hopes and fears, that devoted fans from 32 countries around the world now hanging in the balance.


FIFA world cup south Africa

this summer,the FIFA world cup will be held in south Africa.it will start from 11th June to 12th July,lasting 32 days.

as a football`s fans,i am excited with this game very much!watching the stars from all over the world is my hiest thing.they are the best players of the world and they he the best skills of football.

i love football match,so i don't want to miss any one of the game.my forite team is Germany and Mike Ballack is the best star in my heart.




At the end of each FIFA World Cup final tournament, several awards are attributed to the players and teams which he distinguished from the rest, in different aspects of the game.


金球奖 Golden Ball



The Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each FIFA World Cup finals, with a shortlist drawn up by the FIFA technical mittee and the winner voted for by representatives of the media. Those who finish as runners-up in the vote receive the Adidas Silver Ball and Bronze Ball awards as the second and third most outstanding players in the tournament respectively.


The World Cup

Four years of reincarnation, one month's feast, and finally in the final game ended.

When I saw the silent fan markov vick and don't see the face expression in the silver pieces flying in the sky like a silence of under the statue, When I saw that prince ace reear sneijder figure, the tragedy in a sadness, can a dismal across the lofty aspiration, Dutch, no longer exists, the Dutchman is destined to be kind to us, the only endless imagination and thinking.

And the other side is different, two years ago, once again topped the European cup, determined to take. Now two years of waiting to be the most perfect ending bows. Villarreal's absence of plotting coups, Harvey, casillas kept the YiNieSiDa and the Spanish eventually be assigned to make up the fruit. Watch the finals than when I was somewhat more mature and LaoLa, when I saw the new generation of tianjiao with great pace towards a new era, when I see Kathy inspiring exalted with millions of rays of football, also had some thinking.

Football is the glamour with too much suspense, less than the final whistle, what might hen in the game.

Football is like life, the life of the man, and strive to in adversity is the winner of the ragazzi, Can be in trouble, insist the resilience will change your life, In desperation do never-say-die man can spread.

After four years and will do? Which team can emerge? Which player and celebrities eternal? Let us bring the only time can answer say goodbye! Don't, silent helpless fan markov vic, inspiring casillas, tragedy, and suppressed the YiNieSiDa sneijder go, Don't let people rejoice, let a person of South Africa and the FIFA World Cup.

I walked lightly, just as I come lightly, a wisp, don't take one clouds.