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简介1.奥运会历史简介奥运会历史简介是什么2.知道奥运会历史的,用英语给我3.能用英语介绍奥运历史由来吗?200字左右4.奥运会的起源的英语翻译5.奥运会的由来(英语陈述)The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from many countries compete i







The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from many countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and summer games.


The Olympic began in Greece more than 2,700 years ago.The games were originally part of a religious festival in honor of the Greek Gods. Eventually,the games became the most important festival in all of Greece.


The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776B.C. It was held in an out door stadium which was about 200 meters long and 30meters wide.The stadium was in a valley, and about forty thousand people watch the event.The first thir Olympices consisted of only one race -running.


Since 776B.C. the games had been held regularly for about 1,200 years. In the years 3 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emperor.


It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens.From then on the games are held every four years regularly. The Olympics he become the world's most impostant athletic events and a symbol of the sporting friendship of all the people of the world.



April 6, 1896, was definitely a day to remember. King George I of Greece announced the opening of the first International Olympic Games in Athens. A total of 245 athletes from 14 nations competed in the ancient Panathenaic stadium.

In this first modern Games, the winner was awarded a silver medal. The second athlete was given a bronze medal while the third athlete received nothing.

The man who re-introduced the Olympic Games to the modern world was Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France. He was enthusiastic about the Games because he thought they were similar to the French education system, which combined moral and social education in school games.

He trelled the world to gather support for his dream to he countries come together in the name of sport. "The important thing in life is not the victory but competing; the main thing is not to he won but to he fought well," he said.

Coubertin held an international meeting in Paris in 1894 and established the International Olympic Committee. Two years later his ideal — bringing together the youth of the world in a friendly competition - became a reality at the first celebration of the modern Olympic Games.

From the start of the modern Olympics, male athletes of every race, religion, and nationality he been allowed to participate.

No women competed in 1896. A few female golfers and tennis players were allowed to take part in the 1900 Games. Female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes first competed at the 1928 Games. Women's Olympic sports he grown hugely since then. Today women make up about half of the total number of compes.

This has not been the only change. Figure skating was part of the Summer Games of 1908 and 1920, and ice hockey was played in 1920. They then became part of the Winter Olympics, which was first held in 1924 in France.

Although founded to help world peace, the modern Olympic Games sometimes become a stage for political arguments. The most controversial Olympics were the Berlin Games of 1936. Under the rule of the Nazis, German Jewish athletes were banned from the German team.

The Olympic Games were interrupted twice during the First and Second World Wars. The event was not held in 1916, 1940 and 1944.




法国人巴隆·皮耶尔·德·顾拜旦 (1863-1937)将奥运会重新引入了现代世界。他之所以对奥运会热情很高,是因为他觉得奥运会与法国的学校教育具有相通之处,两者都将道德教育和社会教育融入到运动会之中。














A History of the Olympics

According to legend, the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles (the Roman Hercules), a son of Zeus. Yet the first Olympic Games for which we still he written records were held in 776 BCE (though it is generally believed that the Games had been going on for many years already). At this Olympic Games, a naked runner, Coroebus (a cook from Elis), won the sole event at the Olympics, the stade - a run of roximately 192 meters (210 yards). This made Coroebus the very first Olympic champion in history.

The ancient Olympic Games grew and continued to be played every four years for nearly 1200 years. In 393 CE, the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences.

Approximately 1500 years later, a young Frenchmen named Pierre de Coubertin began their revival. Coubertin is now known as le Rénovateur. Coubertin was a French aristocrat born on January 1, 1863. He was only seven years old when France was overrun by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Some believe that Coubertin attributed the defeat of France not to its military skills but rather to the French soldiers' lack of vigor.* After examining the education of the German, British, and American children, Coubertin decided that it was exercise, more specifically sports, that made a well-rounded and vigorous person.

Coubertin's attempt to get France interested in sports was not met with enthusiasm. Still, Coubertin persisted. In 1890, he organized and founded a sports organization, Union des Sociétés Francaises de Sports Athlétiques (USA). Two years later, Coubertin first pitched his idea to revive the Olympic Games. At a meeting of the Union des Sports Athlétiques in Paris on November 25, 1892, Coubertin stated,

Let us export our oarsmen, our runners, our fencers into other lands. That is the true Free Trade of the future; and the day it is introduced into Europe the cause of Peace will he received a new and strong ally. It inspires me to touch upon another step I now propose and in it I shall ask that the help you he given me hitherto you will extend again, so that together we may attempt to realise [sic], upon a basis suitable to the conditions of our modern life, the splendid and beneficent task of reviving the Olympic Games.**

His speech did not inspire action. Though Coubertin was not the first to propose the revival of the Olympic Games, he was certainly the most well-connected and persistent of those to do so. Two years later, Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates who represented nine countries. He gathered these delegates in an auditorium that was decorated by neoclassical murals and similar additional points of ambiance. At this meeting, Coubertin eloquently spoke of the revival of the Olympic Games. This time, Coubertin aroused interest.

The delegates at the conference voted unanimously for the Olympic Games. The delegates also decided to he Coubertin construct an international committee to organize the Games. This committee became the International Olympic Committee (IOC; Comité Internationale Olympique) and Demetrious Vikelas from Greece was selected to be its first president. Athens was chosen for the revival of the Olympic Games and the planning was begun.

The very first modern Olympic Games opened in the first week of April 1896. Since the Greek had been unable to fund construction of a stadium, a wealthy Greek architect, Georgios Averoff, donated one million drachmas (over $100,000) to restore the Panathenaic Stadium, originally built in 330 BCE, with white marble for the Olympic Games.

Since the Games were not well publicized internationally, contestants were not nationally chosen but rather came individually and at their own expense. Some contestants were tourists who hened to be in the area during the Games. Athletes wore their athletic club uniform rather than a national team one.
































A game for a God

Once upon a time the Olympics was an event that started in order to honour the mythical God Zeus, the father of Greek Gods. From the beginning the Olympics was a local competition but later on more and more Greek city states participated. 293 events were organized during almost twelve centuries.

The Olympic area was a combination of temples, halls and the stadium. The Temple of Zeus was one of the Seven Wonders of the World with a 40 feet high statue in gold and ivory of the god.

A game for freeborn Greek

In a beautiful valley, at the city of Olympia in the state of Elis, 320 km west of Athens, the first organised Olympic Games were held 776 BC. The games took place every four years and were open only for freeborn Greek men. Most of the athletes came in the beginning from wealthy families because they had to pay their own expenses.

Before participating the Games all participants had to take an oath that they had fulfilled the training requirements which mean that they had to train constantly 10 months before the Olympics and had to stay 30 days before the games under the eyes of officials in Olympia. During the Roman years, Romans had the right to participate as well.

Women were forbidden to enter the stadium and one reason could be that all the races were run in the nude.

776 BC – 728 BC, Only one event

In the beginning there were only one event, a single foot race. The race was called the “Stade” and was the only event for 13 Olympics. An rox. 185 metres race, the first times on a straight strip of grass. The first athlete ever to win an Olympic race was a young cook from Elis, named Koroibus who received a wreath of wild olive lees as his prize. This prize was through the centuries not only an honour for the winner but also for his family and city.

724 BC – 712 BC, More races

The straight “Stade” was changed to an oval racing track and an one-lap sprint was called a “Stadium” which name today is used for a sports arena all over the world. New running events were added from the 14th Olympics, two laps (rox. 370 metres) and in the next Olympiad a 12 laps race. In the 16th Olympiad the long distance race 24 laps started.

708 BC, Other sports are introduced

In 708 BC, at the 18th Olympiad, when more city states participated, especially the Spartans the first combat sport was introduced: Wrestling. At the same games pentathlon were introduced: Jumping, jelin, running, discus and wrestling, all performed in the same afternoon.

688 BC, Boxing is introduced

At the 20th Olympiad in 688 BC one of the most popular Olympic sports even today was introduced: Boxing. The gloves were made of straps of soft ox-hide. The boxing matches had no time limit and ended if the fighter fell to the ground or one of the fighters held up one or to fingers to show that he admitted defeat. There were no weight categories, opponents were chosen by random.

680 BC, Equestrian sports

Equestrian sports was introduced in 680BC. The stadium was to small for the Four Horse Chariot Race so the horse racing was held at the hippodrome next to the stadium.

648 BC, Pancration, a different fighting art

A new sport event that was introduced at the 33rd Olympics in 648 BC, , which not exists today at the Olympics, was Pancration. A combination of boxing and wrestling, a sport of rather violent and unrestrained nature in ancient Greece. The sport exists still but today with modified rules.

632 BC, the Olympics is extended

632 BC the Olympic Games was extended to seven days. The games was still in honour of the goods so the first day was for preparatory ceremonies and sacrifices. The next five days was the competition and the seventh day was the award of prizes and the feasting. In 632 was also boxing and wrestling contests for boys introduced.

580 BC, Armour ruinning

580 BC heily armed men was competing in Armed Race, two laps around the stadium.

500 BC , 50 events

There were more than 50 events.

150 BC, The Romans

The Romans conquered Greek Empire in 150 BCD

393 AD – 394 AD, The last Olympics

In 393 AD the last Olympic Games at Olympia took place after nearly 300 Olympiads and 1200 years. . One of the first Christian emperors of Rome, Theodocious I prohibited all pagan festivals and cults so the games were disbanded in 394. The temple of Zeus at Olympia was burned down by the decree of Theodocious II.










The historical origin of the ancient Olympic Games can not be ascertained, but some myths and legends he been passed down.

Peropus was the king of Olympia and the hero of the Peloponnesian Peninsula named after him. The Olympic Games were held in honour of him. Christian Alexander's Clemens claimed that "the Olympic Games are only a sacrifice to Peropus".

This myth describes how Pelops, with the help of his old lover Poseidon, defeated King Oenomaus and married Hippodamia, Oenomaus's daughter. This myth is also related to the decline of the Atrus family and the suffering of Oedipus.






《奥林匹克 *** 》规定,奥林匹克标志、奥林匹克会旗、奥林匹克格言和奥林匹克会歌的产权属于国际奥委会专有。






Olympic Games' origin Ancient Greece is a myth kingdom, the exquisite moving mythstory and the winding strange folklore, origin in Mongolia for theancient Olympic Games a mystical color. Fable: Ancient times theOlympics games were for sacrificial offering zeus but the regular holdsports athletics activity. Another kind of fable and zeus son Herculesconcern. Hercules because the strength greatly incomparably attains" Titan missile " Laudatory name. He has completed the taskin 伊利斯 the city-state which the erage man is unable tocomplete, then did not sweep clean king to quite a while the time topile up with the cow dung the cowshed, but king did not want tofulfill bestows 300 cows' promises, hertz Larke forced as soon asunder was mad has expelled king. In order to celebrate the victory, hehas held the games at Olympics. Origins about the ancient Olympic Games broadly spreads the storywhich is 佩洛 Pu Si gets married. Ancient Greek 伊利斯 king inorder to chooses a civil and military complete in both emperor'sson-in-law for own daughter, proposed the election must compete thecombat tank with own. In the competition, successively some 13 youthsgot killed under King Yu's lance, but the 14th youth is precisely zeusgrandson and on princess's heart person 佩洛 Pu Si. Under the loveinspiration, he brely has accepted king's challenge, finallyoutwits. In order to congratulate this victory, 佩洛 Pu Si YuPrincess held the grand wedding ceremony in front of Olympia's zeustemple, at the meeting arranges the combat tank, the angle to fightand so on a competition, this was the initial ancient Olympic Games,佩洛 Pu Si has become in the ancient Olympic Games fable founder. Olympic Games' origin, has close relationship in fact with the ancientGreece's social situation. B.C.E. 9-8 century, the Greece clan societygradually disintegrates, the city-state system sle society graduallyformed, has established more than 200 city-states. The city-state doesthings their own way, non- unification 君主, between the city-statethe war is unceasing. In order to deal with the war, variouscity-states all positively train the soldier. The Sparta city-statechild from 7 years old on by the national foster, and is engaged inthe sports, the military training, military life. The war needs thesoldier, the soldier needs the strong body, but the sports is theraise can draft the clever in fighting soldier's powerful method. Thewar promoted the Greece sports development, the ancient Olympic Games'event also has the obvious military brand mark. Continuously theunceasing war makes the people to feel the loathing, the universalhope can he the peaceful environment which depends on rests andbuilds up strength. Afterwards the Sparta king and 伊利斯 the kinghas signed " Sacred armistice month " Treaty. Thereupon, forprepares the manpower resources military training and sportsathletics, gradually becomes peace and the friendship games.